The oldest archaeological remains of the non-domestic cuii ( Cavia sp. ) are radiocarbon dated to around 9000 years before the present, found in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes of Colombia in the Cundiboyacense plateau by Correal & Van Der Hammen in 1977 In 2020, the scientific journal Nature published a probable domestication center of the cuii or curà ( Cavia sp .) around 500 years before the present. In any case, the interesting thing about this study is that in addition to Peru and some time later, the Eastern Cordillera in northern Colombia apparently was also a center of domestication of the cuii from the wild species of Cavia sp . here present.
Clearly the European conquest and colonization displaced this native species from the leading role in the local diet with the arrival of new domestic animals. Nature specialists such as mastozoologist Philip Hershkovitz reported the species bred by natives of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, today it is possible to know testimonies that confirm the presence not long ago of the cuii or kudzà as they say among the Kággaba or Kogi community, especially in the towns of Sanmiguel and Sanfrancisco, which are above 2000 meters above sea level.
This historical framework surrounding Cavia porcellus in the Sierra Nevada is the main motivation for recovering this pre-Hispanic strategy to face the current challenges of child and elderly malnutrition. After the socialization of this project with the mothers of Zeteniyaka ka and Kadlabangaka to request permission to begin implementing the first nucleus of cuiis in the town of Tungueka - Dibulla - La Guajira, Fundación Nativa, The Fontaine and Ancestral Earth, begin with a work plan that will help re-establish kudzi breeding by the native population. The behavior of the species for its readaptation will give space for zootechnics to advance together with the Kággaba in designs of this "micro-livestock" technology that optimize the breeding of the cuii along with the management of its solid and liquid waste for subsequent use as fertilizer rich in microriza and Nitrogen, a great contribution to the regeneration of soils in the ecosystem associated with this livestock activity in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.