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Ancla 1

Pre-Hispanic culture that inhabits the Sierra Nevada del Caribe - Colombia from its beginning to the present. Living example of resistance to conquest, colonization, evangelization and modernity. The kággaba privilege what is essential to exist, a natural coherence that is maintained and that we still have the opportunity to find in order to try to understand what we are. This lifestyle radically opposite to the one that prevails today is a treatise of teachings that can stimulate the thoughts and hearts of those who are respectfully interested in knowing them.

The biodiversity of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is in emergency. Since the arrival of the Spanish until the present, no one has been able to stop the destruction of its forests. Mongueka is a Kággaba village in the Naranjal river basin, rebuilt in 2017 by the Santarosa community, after being abandoned by the Kággaba due to the pressure of war in the last century. This return has allowed the expansion of the indigenous reservation and with this the beginning of a new stage for the last primary forests with tapirs between the San Salvador, Naranjal, Mamaice rivers, in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta under the Kággaba indigenous control.

The will of a mother for a meeting place in the jungle of the Sierra where the “little brothers”, Kogi and civilized, can “unite thoughts” to defend nature, made possible the creation of the Kogi Camp   on the San Salvador River, an hour and a half away from Mongueka. D e traditional architecture Kogi Camp offers the necessary logistics for up to eight people to settle in and spend a few days to activate their senses in the jungle and if they want, have an initiation on kággaba coherence. Thus, help biodiversity through the breeding of guiámaro trees, monitoring with photo-traps for large mammals such as tapirs, jaguars, pumas, deer, bay trees, tigrillos, among others, if you prefer to observe birds or simply be there to learn that we are nature and that it is not ours because we did not make it.

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