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Ancla 1

The endemic amphibians of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta are a bio-indicator that can help us understand climate change. This report refers to sightings of four species of endemic amphibians, especially the Atelopus at lower altitudes.

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These publications on antimicrobials and amphibians in one of the best magazines are a real example that demonstrates the importance of Colombian biodiversity for everyone's health.

Article 1 Article 2 .

The blue-billed paujil ( Crax alberti, Fraser 1852), the first photographic record of this cracid in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. It is the species of bird closest to extinction in Colombia.

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Inventory of diurnal butterfly species in a two-hectare coffee farm, inside the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta jungle.

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The jaguar ( Panthera onca, Linnaeus 1758) from the Sierra Nevada, photographed in the middle part of the Palomino River by the Arhuaco indigenous Gustavo Torres from the Gúmaque community in La Guajira.


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