We are a foundation made up of people interested in helping to prevent the premature extinction of biodiversity. The actions in the field around this objective in the Sierra Nevada del Caribe mainly, are the opportunity to contact with living antiquity and in this way the defense of nature acquires the cultural dimension that expresses the human genius of the pre-Columbian peoples.
José Miguel Nuevita,
Tungueka Community
Mama kággaba
José Antonio Nuevita
Tungueka Community
kággaba - Nazcua​
Adriana Salazar Vega
Especialista intercultural internacional
franz k. flourish
Free Animal Veterinarian
Tolima University
Camilo Nuevita
kággaba Comunidad Tungueka
fotocolector - Caviacultor
Valeska Massy
Product now
Montreal - Canada
Tiphaine Nicoleau
10 years with the Nativa Foundation in
the recovery of feathers
the Kággaba spiritual authorities.