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At the end of the last century, the term Biodiversity was installed to concentrate the definition of the diversity of life on the planet, a term that the famous North American entomologist Edward Oswald Wilson imposed, however, when you have the opportunity to meet people who are not Westerners. Our paradigms are tested, growing our understanding of what we believe we are. Thus, for us there is a synonym for biodiversity that is Living Community, which makes us interpret what we learned from the philosophy of the Kággaba in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where unlike humans and biodiversity, there is only one Living Community.

Mund or kággaba

The path of the tapir or tapir in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta Colombia made us discover for ourselves   The kággaba who share territory with the Perissodactyls. Time passes and a friendship has naturally been built between the natives who have to do with the presence of the last tapirs or tapirs in the Caribbean massif and the native foundation that is interested in helping to protect them. Little by little, the original logic of this culture can begin to be understood clearly without having to resort to the mystical, because the fascinating thing is that it is a pragmatic knowledge that makes our scientist think, to a point that based on his relationship with Nature has accumulated intellect to resist time. We clarify that we are not specialists nor do we pretend to be, we just want to share a particular perspective that provokes something in the thoughts of those interested in this original world.

This stone massif, as present as it is ancient, has been the protagonist from the beginning as it is the oldest mountain in Colombia and the highest on the planet by the sea, which knows how far it has risen. It is in the snowless peaks where the existence of Los kággaba begins, the   indigenous community that has not yet broken the thread of its history and with its existence faithful to its understanding of what they are, offer the exceptional opportunity to understand that Western globalization is still imperfect.

The multiplicity of life that inhabits these heights has a significant proportion of endemic species, to the point of this Sierra Nevada being considered the "continental Galapagos." After Humboldt's visit to the New World, when he presented his work in Europe, many eager scientists decided to come and some came to the Sierra to begin determining the plant and animal species, through a method of classifying them. living beings created in 1731 by the Swede Carlos Linnaeus and which continues to be used. This great detail confirms the need to name the different living forms so that they are taken into account as the natural capital of humans with Western thinking and in this way dominate them as the superior species that they are. In the Sierra all forms of life also have names, but not to dominate them but to know them as entities with the same equivalence that share territory, configuring the Living Community, where each member is part of the vital fabric that sustains everything.

Perpetual snow in the Caribbean is a climatic paradox that causes concern in times of warming. In any case, for the kággaba to understand, this glacial is the next abode for the souls that surpass this earthly plane, another place where we are all equal, children of the same mother. The Palomino and Rioancho rivers are born in the ice and die in the sea, they connect the entire ancient world of this Sierra. The inhabitants of these hydrographic basins are evidence of a very particular and powerful knowledge. The rooms on these heights belong to the wise.


Descubrir la existencia de un mundo en donde las personas prefieren vivir siguiendo su idea original exitosa, creada por ellos mismos donde los enigmas no existen, es un privilegio de la humanidad, es una oportunidad excepcional para el entendimiento

de lo que somos. El impacto de esta existencia, entre todo lo que puede producir es permitir transportarse en el tiempo para imaginar el encuentro entre la ley del origen y la violenta mezquindad occidental, para experimentar la asombrosa resistencia de Los kággaba  a la conquista, colonia, evangelización y modernidad por mas de cinco siglos y sigue.

En este excepcional lugar de resistencia cultural, aún la perfección de la selva antigua  se puede encontrar y lo más importante la gente que ha podido entenderla para coexistir con ella, con códigos propios de la riqueza y pobreza, muy distintos a estos mismos códigos del contexto urbano y rural del mundo civilizado. 

In November 2018 in Santa Marta, but more than 500 years later, the same protagonists present for the first time in a book written by civilized people who served as an editorial and cultural bridge for 50 moms who do not write, the version of the counterpart of the Spanish conquistadors in the Sierra Nevada and concepts about the main law that the Kággaba defend, the law of origin, which contrasts with the main law of the Western world, Darwin's law of nature. What is impressive about this book at first is that the name chosen is Shikwakala , which means: " network of invisible threads created in the spiritual, which surrounds the entire earth and connects with the sun and the rest of the Universe, making its constant possible. " gyro ", corresponds to the idea of the Universe of this native people, a definition that coincides with the most important discovery of humanity in the 19th century, the definition of "Field" by the British Michel Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell, where Faraday defined it. Imagine a network formed by bundles of very fine lines (infinitely fine) that fill space like a huge invisible spider web that surrounds us. He calls these lines lines of force, because in some way they carry the electric force and the magnetic force as if They were cables that pull in one direction or another.

Unas personas que saben vivir sin electricidad domiciliaria ni comunal, sin petróleo, sin el dominio del dinero, sin hospital, sin zapatos, sin cárcel, en donde la vida diaria tradicional es la escuela, pero con un objetivo común, una misión de vida que tienen clara y que corresponde a defender a la madre tierra y con esto alcanzar el confort existencial que dona salud.

The Native Foundation arrives in the Sierra following examples of conservation work on large mammals, presented at international and national scientific events which it attended, little by little this exotic relationship with nature, in a land where its own is still preserved, with a people who understand the future behind because we do not see it and forward the present and the past because if we do see it, it allows for the first time to compare our Western understanding against another understanding that also lives but a little differently, broadening the perspective of the crisis of the living community and see that in the end the culprit of the great deterioration of nature is not the human species, but what they think.

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